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Building for the Future Capital Campaign

Building for the Future Campaign

Building for the Future Capital Campaign

Building for the Future

There’s something about turning into Lutherlyn’s tree-lined winding drive that offers a sense of space - room to breathe, a relief of daily pressures and expectations. People tell us this often. There’s a closeness to God in this space. Nature has a way of drawing us near. As the noises and distractions of the world around us grow louder, we are in desperate need for reflective space to hear God’s reassuring promises. 

In some ways, outdoor ministries are changing and camper expectations continue to rise. These aren’t necessarily negative shifts, but ones we’re committed to consider in our efforts to create intentional space to engage with God’s creation, to provide programming that will strengthen faith and identity as children of God, and to build a place of learning and growing together with shared experience, interests, and goals.

Since 1948, Lutherlyn has become an influential presence in the lives of youth and adults throughout Western Pennsylvania. Borne from the conviction that youth would benefit from a faith-based leadership camp, Lutherlyn has intentionally expanded to include educational opportunities that explore God’s creation.

I’m excited about the plan we’re sharing here with you. I’m energized by the potential work of the Holy Spirit in the lives of youth and adults of every walk of life. The impact of Lutherlyn lives on in generations of campers, retreaters, summer staff, and the communities of which they are a part. What a privilege to be part of this holy work! 

I hope you’ll join in this campaign for Lutherlyn—for the future of camp and the future of
youth and adults throughout Western Pennsylvania.

Deb Roberts
Executive Director

  • This document contains the details about the need, projects, and goal of the Building for the Future Campaign.

  • This online form can be used to make a pledge to the Building for the Future Campaign. There is also a link to a printable "statement of intent" form that can be printed and returned through the mail.

  • All of the letters, announcements, and materials needed for the Congregation Leader to conduct the campaign can be found here.

This is a shorter version of the campaign video (2min 55 sec), if needed.

Campaign Updates

  • September 30, 2024:  Campaign Pledges reach $2,000,000!
  • September 10, 2024:  Eric (Site Manager), Ryan (Associate Director), and Deb (Executive Director) laid out the approximate location of the 5 new cabins slated for construction immediately following summer camp in 2025.
  • May 11, 2024:  The Amphitheater's renovations have been completed. A worship and re-dedication service was held to celebrate the renewal of this special place.
  • January 1, 2024:  Campaign Pledges reach $1,700,000!
  • December 1, 2023:  Progress at the Amphitheater is outstanding!  The entire under-structure and seating has been completed, and just finishing touches like railings and landscaping remain to be completed in the spring of 2024.
  • August 7, 2023:  Renovations at the Amphitheater have begun.  Photos of the work-in-progress are added regularly to Lutherlyn's online photo directory. (password to view: adventure)
  • August 6, 2023:  Lutherlyn hosts worship in Steininger Memorial Amphitheater and celebrates a re-groundbreaking.
  • July 2023:  Campaign Pledges reach $1,500,000!
  • May 2023:  The first dozen congregations have participated in Building for the Future by conducting their own campaigns.  Additional congregations are scheduled to hold their campaigns this autumn.
  • December 20, 2022:  The congregational aspect of the campaign is now underway; 10 congregations’ councils have approved running a six-week campaign and accepted a campaign fundraising goal.
  • December 2022:  A construction company is contracted and work in the Amphitheater is set to begin in the days following the conclusion of summer camp 2023.
  • October 2022:  First group of congregational council visit volunteers are recruited and trained.
  • July 2022:  Campaign Pledges reach $1,000,000!
  • April 2022:  Campaign Pledges reach $500,000!
  • March 2022:  Volunteers trained and are now reaching out to Lutherlyn’s community of donors individually (this work continues). 
  • January 2022:  Members of Lutherlyn staff and the Board of Directors were each asked to participate in the campaign; 100% of current staff and board members have made financial commitments.
  •  November 2021:  Campaign leaders recruited, including Bishop Emeritus Donald McCoid who is serving as the Campaign’s Honorary Chair and Ted and Theresa Schroeder serving as Campaign Co-Chairs. 
  • September 23, 2021:  The Lutherlyn Board of Directors votes in approval of the Building for the Future capital campaign