Members of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans can designate their "Choice Dollars" to Lutherlyn. Thrivent also sponsors various projects at Lutherlyn.
The American Camp Association is a community of camp professionals who, for 100 years, have joined together to share our knowledge and experience and to ensure the quality of camp programs.
The main purpose of the ACA-accreditation program is to educate camp owners and directors in the administration of key aspects of camp operation, particularly those related to program quality and the health and safety of campers and staff. The standards establish guidelines for needed policies, procedures, and practices. The camp, then, is responsible for on-going implementation of these policies.
The second purpose of ACA accreditation is to assist the public in selecting camps that meet industry-accepted and government-recognized standards. ACA's Camp Database provides the public with eleven separate ways to search for the ideal ACA-accredited camp.
Lutherlyn is an Outdoor Ministry of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
Lutherlyn is an Outdoor Ministry of the Southwestern and Northwestern PA synods of the E.L.C.A.
Lutherlyn is an Outdoor Ministry of the Northwestern and Southwestern PA synods of the E.L.C.A.
Lutheran Outdoor Ministries (LOM) is an association of outdoor ministry organizations, professionals, board members, businesses, and students connected to Lutheran camping, conferences, and retreats.