Maple Sugaring
From the beginning of February through the middle of March, LEEP offers specialized field trips about maple syrup making. Both one-day and two-day residential programs are available. This program exposes students to the science and history of making maple syrup, and is an interdisciplinary study of tree identification, tree biology, and the cultural importance of maple syrup for the Native Americans and early American pioneers.
Students learn how a tree works and how to identify a maple tree in the winter. Then they measure a maple tree, drill the hole, tap in the spile, hang the bucket, and calculate the drip rate. Students collect the sap from many maple trees, take it to the Sugar Shack where it is boiled into syrup, and taste the final product. They also learn about the techniques used by Native Americans and pioneers to make maple syrup and maple sugar. It is a great way to celebrate the coming of spring.

For reservations or information, contact:
Lutherlyn Environmental Education Program
Box 355
Prospect, PA 16052
(724) 865-9079 • leep@Lutherlyn.com