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Online Forms

Summer Staff Applicants: Copy the address link above and send it to your 3 references

Summer Staff Personal Reference Form

You have been selected to serve as a reference by a person applying for a summer position at Lutherlyn, a Christian camp. Please carefully evaluate the applicant for us. Our goal is to provide quality staff to maintain the high program and safety standards of Lutherlyn. We are seeking mature role models that will live as servants to others. This is confidential. As you answer these questions, please keep in mind these two questions: "Would I want this person to work for me in a position of responsibility?" and "Would I trust this person to care for my child or a child that I love for a week?"

Please read through the following categories. Check as many descriptions as you feel apply to the applicant. If these areas do not describe the applicant, please feel free to comment in the space provided at the bottom of this section.

Working with Others
Work Ethic
Counseling Skills/Ability to work with Children
Faith and Christian Witness

Please select 1 answer for each of the following characteristics:
Active in church life
Good Christian Witness
Relates well with kids
Relates well with adults
Emotionally stable
Exercises good judgement
Works well with others
Ability to be a positive role model
Respects authority
Follows instructions

Please complete the following questions (250 characters or less)

Would you be willing to have your child or a child that you love under their supervision at camp for one week?