Accepted. Challenged. Sent.
Core Purpose Statement
Lutherlyn is a God-given place to be accepted, challenged, and sent.
Mission Statement
Lutherlyn extends the ministry and mission of Jesus Christ, by inviting all people to engage the Word of God, one another and themselves in an intentional, challenging, exciting, and fun outdoor Christian community centered in the grace of God and the goodness of earth and life.

Lutherlyn Statement of Welcome and Inclusion:
In all our interactions, programs, activities, and events, Lutherlyn is committed to the ongoing work of being a safe and inclusive community that reflects the lessons Jesus taught us: “Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another” (John 13:34). Lutherlyn values diversity, opposes discrimination, and promotes equal opportunity for all people. We embrace the sacred worth of all people of all ages, socioeconomic circumstances, abilities, races, ethnicities, religions, national origins, sexes, sexual orientations, gender expressions, and gender identities. Everyone is a beloved child of God and welcome in this safe community.
Lutherlyn is a member organization of Lutheran Outdoor Ministries. Lutherlyn is fully committed to LOM’s Statement of Inclusion:
LOM Has a Place for Everyone Around the Campfire. In all our programs, activities and events, Lutheran Outdoor Ministries (LOM) is committed to providing safe and inclusive environments that reflect the lessons Jesus taught us: “Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another” (John 13:34). LOM values diversity, opposes discrimination and promotes equal opportunity for all people, regardless of age, abilities, race, ethnicity, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, or others who are often marginalized. We strive to ensure that all participants and staff are valued as unique individuals and can reach their full potential by living and working in a community of inclusion and mutual respect. As an association, we encourage our member organizations to do likewise.
Lutherlyn is a ministry of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA). Lutherlyn is fully committed to the ELCA Social Policy Condemning White Supremacy and Racial Rhetoric:
Condemnation of White Supremacy and Racist Rhetoric
Going Deeper
Lutherlyn is a year around ministry of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America which provides unique opportunities for Christian living experiences.
Lutherlyn offers a natural setting for an intentional Christian community committed to experiencing and affirming our interrelationship with all of God's creation.
Lutherlyn encourages spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical growth and renewal for the whole person through encounter with scripture, experiences of the environment, educational programs, the witness of staff, opportunities for creative worship, the nurture of personal relationships, recreational activities, and fun.
In support of and in partnership with the community at large, Lutherlyn offers programs and the use of its facilities for the benefit of individuals, service organizations and agencies that work for the improvement of the quality of life and for the fulfillment of human potential in ways that are consistent with basic Christian values.
In support of and in partnership with parish ministries, Lutherlyn encourages continuing growth in Christian faith and enables people of all ages and needs to live lives of prayer, praise, thanksgiving, witness, and service.
- To provide unique opportunities for Christian living experiences.
- To offer a natural setting for an intentional Christian community committed to experiencing and affirming our interrelationship with all of God's creation.
- To encourage spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical growth and renewal for the whole person.
- To encourage continuing growth in Christian faith.
- To offer programs and the use of its facilities for the benefit of individuals, service organizations and agencies that work for the improvement of the quality of life and for the fulfillment of human potential in ways that are consistent with basic Christian values.
- To serve people of all ages, needs, and backgrounds.
- To create a 24 hour a day intentional Christian community in an outdoor setting in which the Word can be lived as well as taught.
- To help the individual to develop a sense of personal identity and worth as a child of God.
- To provide formal and informal Christian learning as an extension of the life and ministry of the congregation.
- To promote the expression and sharing of the joy of Christian living.
- To provide year around facilities and programs for all Lutheran bodies and for the community at large.
- To provide opportunities for the creation of and participation in a variety of worship experiences, both personal and corporate.
- To help develop and encourage leadership qualities and skills.
- To foster appreciation of the world of nature and to gain skills for living in it.
- To provide fun experiences.
- To provide programs for all ages and backgrounds.
- To provide for the development of specific individual skills, talents, and interests.
- To create an awareness of the needs of the world in which we live.
- To help strengthen the individual's sense of identity and responsibility to the Church and its mission at all levels.
- To provide opportunities for wholesome leisure time activities and to advocate a creative leisure time philosophy.
All Are Welcome
Lutherlyn welcomes guests regardless of race, religion, color, national origin, age, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or income. Any person who believes that she or he has been discriminated against by any ASDA related activity should write immediately to the Secretary of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 20250.